For immediate release
Monday, August 4th, 2008


NEWPORT (Shropshire): The block-buster doubles match of the week in the 2008 Worthington’s Newport Doubles Pool Open featured a clash between the first two Coors Newport Open singles’ champions, Paul Trevor and Colin Pink, and their respective partners John Williams and John Pink. It was a close match throughout the first four frames, with Trevor managing to pull back from 2-1 down to level and take the match to a decider.

John Pink put him and his brother into a match-winning position in frame five and faced the option of potting a tricky black with the risk of an in-off or laying a snooker. He laid Trevor into a good snooker, but Trevor cannoned off two cushions to strike one of his four remaining colours and leave the black snookered.

Colin Pink, the defending Coors Newport Open champion, faced a straightforward cannon off one cushion to touch the black, but the Hinstock player misjudged the angle and handed two shots to Williams. The tension was paramount as Williams carefully potted the first three reds and left himself in position on the final ball to seal the winning black.

The Audco star held his nerve to sensationally knock the Pink brothers out of the competition and book a tricky home tie for him and Trevor against Dave Wilkinson and Ray Talbot at the Audco.

Trevor will now play Colin Pink in round two of the Coors Newport Open – a match between two undefeated Open champions that is already being referred to as the ‘Clash of the Titans’ on local Facebook and chat forum sites.

Tavern landlord Dave Wilkinson ended championship organiser Neil Perkins’ championship aspirations in straight frames at the Tavern. Perkins broke in frame one, but put the white in-off and promptly had to sit and watch as an inspired Wilkinson cleared the table from the re-start.

Wilkinson started the better of the two in a safety-dominated second frame, where both players had good chances to steal the rack. Perkins went in-off again and suddenly found himself 2-0 down.

The third frame followed a similar vein, but Wilkinson missed a pot to put himself into the second round and watched as the white jawed in the pocket and blocked Perkins from taking a simple next pot. A couple of safety shots followed, but Perkins left Wilkinson a slight view of the black and the Tavern star used the cushion nicely to pot the final ball and book himself a visit to Keith Rogers at the Junction in round two.

Ray Talbot opted out of his first round visit to Ian Mason at the Junction and the Gnosall player will now meet young Luke Jones in round two.

Results – singles
Dave Wilkinson (Tavern) beat Neil Perkins (Tavern), 3-0
Ian Mason (Junction) beat Ray Talbot (Tavern), W/O

Results – doubles
Paul Trevor/John Williams (Audco) beat Colin Pink/John Pink (Audco), 3-2


For further information:
Neil Perkins, NDP Publicity Services, Tel: 07831 123153

Published On: 4 August 2008